Why join?
To Honor the Patriots of the American Revolution
The purpose of the Sons of the American Revolution is “to perpetuate the memory of those who, by their services or sacrifices during the war of the American Revolution, achieved the independence of the American people.”
You may be qualified to become a member of an active organization of patriotic men brought together by their heritage and dedicated to the preservation of the Constitutional freedoms established by the founders of our nation.
To Preserve Your Family Heritage
Becoming a member of the Sons of the American Revolution preserves your family heritage for the ages and allows future generations to similarly qualify for membership.
To Become Active in your Community
As a member you may serve your community, to whatever degree your time permits, in furthering patriotic education and in generating and preserving understanding and appreciation of the principles of government that our forefathers established.
Resources to Get Started
Williamsburg Chapter Registrar
We highly recommend and encourage you to contact our chapter registrar at the very beginning of your research. The registrar can steer you towards the best resources and away from common pitfalls of research.
Family Members
Utilize your living family members as a starting point. Ask them what they know about your family tree, and write down specfic names, dates and locations they might share. Family members who are or who have been SAR or DAR members have records on file that might simpify your research.
Official Records
County, State and National Records can be found at government offices (such as the County Clerk) and public libraries. Online resources, books and memberships to organizations that provide genealogical resources can also be very helpful. Here are a few links to notable resources:
Basic Requirements
A male of good repute in the community, who is a lineal descendant of an ancestor who rendered active military service or as a civilian provided material support in the cause of American independence.
You will need documentation to prove your lineage. This documentation includes certified birth, marriage and death certificates, wills, federal census and other records.
It's best to rely on primary documents. For example, a birth certificate clearly showing parents' names or a will in which the writer clearly identifies a child through whom the applicant's lineage is traced.
Application Form
The SAR application worksheet can be obtained in the downloadable/printable information packet from this website, directly from the Williamsburg Chapter Genealogist/Registrar or at the NSSAR Website at: SAR-Worksheet-2009-06-25.pdf
Annual Dues and Registration Fees
When you submit your application for membership you will need to include your annual dues and registration fees. Three separate checks will be needed to pay the fees associated at the national, state, and chapter levels.